
Tiny Thinker guide

I want this!

Tiny Thinker guide


Do you know the difference between a dream and a fantasy.

In a dream your excitement comes from the feeling that one day the idea will be your reality.

In a fantasy you know that the vision will never became your reality and your excitement comes from fetishizing over something you can't have. .

If you have a long list of ideas or you are great at idea generating, you need a methodology for connecting from idea to execute. Define is the name of this stage.

Meaning...meaning... meaning

- Do you want to and are you able to manifest this idea? Decide to quit the fantasies quick.

- Can you identify the context of the problem or the context of the inspiration? Side projecting is not always about problems. I like to write my inspiration in the first sentence of my idea or project lists.

- How defined is this idea already - is there imagery, is it physical, are there competitors? Be sure to note these inspirations in your project discovery.

- Do you have an authentic relationship to the end state? I like to persue organic side projects (hobbies, scratch my own itch, or passions) these are areas wher I am confident and credible. But if you like organic side projects (others problems, piggy back opportunities) then can you need to establish some kind of credible relationship to the idea/vision.

- Does it underpin to your game plan? Do you have a game plan?

#Ideas must be defined.

-You can't think through an idea if the meaning is calculated first. When you think through the idea you will be working on how to do it or maybe what to do? You need a why to do anything first.

*how much effort to make it? So you can decide if have the commitment needed.

*how will your idea/vision impact the world outside your head?

*why do you care about the problem? or better stated is this an initiative worth doing?

My challenge with thinking ideas through is that it takes too long. While stopping to think it through and define all this stuff the energy to create it leaks out or I get distracted/or procrastinate. Then I move on to starting a new idea. Most of the time I don't quit or I hover over a phase of the idea and then next thing I know I have 4,5, or 6 ideas active at once. That means I am not doing anything.

So to help myself I want to automate these think it through calculations. The goal is to through this calculation in < 30 mins. For any idea resulting in a decision to build/quit/give away. There might be other options, but I'll go with these to start.

###Tiny Thinker Guide: How to Make decisions about side project quicker and faster

This is where I made a template for Tiny Thinking. Using my many failures and half started project ideas I have enough data to make:


-Deliver clear decisions from captured/collected ideas, thoughts and feelings

-Explore the meaning of the idea list

-Define unkonwns

-Rank and prioritize side projects

*Challenge: Make a game plan and get rid of fantasy ideas.

*Avoid: hovering and overthinking, distraction/procrastination.

*Result: More confidence and stronger attention holding habits.

The Tiny Thinking guide, should help me to collect complete data that I can easily share as passive income products for the ideas.

I began by designing questions that would make my Tiny Thinking decisions more efficient and repeatable.

These are the kinds of questions or inputs i have designed.

Create scaled answers

- For questions that require wide and broad discovery. Use a closed answer scale like.

Build (High / Med / Low)

or build a (1 - 5) scale

Create simple definition pickers

- Use the failure of previous ideas to capture good and bad choices, and use them as options here.

Make select/mulit-select options

Build tags for tag libraries

Create prompts

- When you have a tag from a definition, you might be able to create a fill in the blank question. Prompts help you identify context and scenarios, that make success into a framework.

Use closed questions

-The ultimate in



If you want to get out your own way on your maker or side project journey, you can try my first build of the Tiny Thinker guide here. I have a waiting list already, but I will get back to you. The first 15 first build followers will get lifetime access.

I want this!

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